
What to Do Before a Winter Storm: Family Preparedness Tips

Posted by Eric D'Anna on

What to Do Before a Winter Storm: Family Preparedness Tips

What to Do Before a Winter Storm: Family Preparedness Tips

A winter storm is brewing and it's time to take precautions. Many people are unaware of the dangers that come with winter storms. Each year, hundreds of Americans are injured or killed by exposure to cold, vehicle accidents on wintry roads, and fires caused by the improper use of heaters. That's why it's important to be prepared now. This blog post will list a few important things you should do before a winter storm hits your area. Stay safe and don't let the cold weather catch you off guard!

There are key things you should do before a winter storm hits your area.

The first thing is to talk with your family about what to do if a winter storm watch or warning is issued. This will help them know how serious the situation could be and allow them time to prepare for it by stocking up on food and water, having flashlights. batteries, and other supplies on hand.

Another important step is to make sure your home heating sources are installed according to local codes and permit requirements and are clean and in working order. This will help you stay warm during the storm. You should also make sure your home is properly insulated. Caulk and weather-strip doors and windowsills to keep cold air out.

What should you have on-hand at all times in your home?

Make sure you have at least one flashlight and extra batteries in case of a power outage during the storm. You should also have candles, matches, or lighters for light if there is an electrical failure due to snowfall on lines that can cause outages from time to time. If possible, install storm windows with double-pane glass and heavy drapes to help keep the cold out.

It is important to have a plan.

It is also important to have a plan in case you are stranded in your car during a winter storm. Make sure someone knows where you are going and when you will be back. Carry an emergency kit in your car that includes food, water, first-aid supplies, blankets or sleeping bags, flashlights with extra batteries for them as well as cell phones and chargers if possible.

Roadside precautions for traveling.

Make sure your car is prepared with an emergency kit that includes food, water and blankets in case you get stranded during a snowstorm. It's also important to keep an eye on the weather so you know when bad conditions are coming before they hit by checking news reports or using apps like Weather Underground, which offer weather forecasts and alerts for your location.

If you are stranded on the road during a snowstorm, pull off to the side of the road in a safe place away from traffic and other vehicles so that emergency personnel can see your car more easily. Turn on hazard lights so other drivers know where you are and stay inside until help arrives.

Protecting your pets is important too.

Keep an eye on your pets during a snowstorm because they can get lost or hurt if they wander outside while there are still dangerous conditions present. Heavy snowfall and ice accumulation over time creates slick surfaces that make it harder for animals like dogs or cats to walk around safely.

Be Informed. Be Prepared. Be Not Afraid.

Take precautions now before a winter storm hits so you can stay safe during the dangerous conditions that come with them! Stay warm, be prepared, and don't let the cold weather catch you off guard this year. For more information on how to stay safe during a winter storm, visit

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