
What Should You Do Before a Flood?

Posted by Eric D'Anna on

What Should You Do Before a Flood?

No one ever wants to think about a flood, but if you live in an area that is prone to them, it's important to be prepared. A flood can occur at any time and without warning, so it's important to have a plan in place. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the steps you should take before a flood occurs. By taking these precautions, you can help minimize the damage and loss that often comes with floods.

What Should Your Self-Check Look Like?

The first important step in making sure you are prepared is to check your flood insurance. Most homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage and it is extremely important to make sure you have the right coverage for a flood emergency. When you do update your policy, make sure to keep them (along with important documents and other valuables) in a watertight safety-deposit box. This will help ensure that they are protected in the event of a flood.

In that same line of thought, it is always a great idea to take a household inventory of the valuables inside your home. Take photos and videos of larger items (i.e furniture, appliances, vehicles, tools) and anything expensive or valuable in your home. Put a copy of that inventory in your watertight safety-deposit box and keep another copy in the assumed vehicle that will be used to get to safety. Other important sets of copies you should keep with your other documents are; birth certificates, passports, medical records and property or vehicle titles.

Know Your Flood Risk

One of the biggest mistakes a homeowner can make is not knowing where high flooding risks are near their property. It is always a good idea to map out high-rise areas within a mile of your home to not only make sure your backyard is not one of them, but to also know your exit route in case you need to leave with your family to safety. Look up your address in the Flood Map Service Center to make sure your travel routes are not prone to flooding.

Prepare Your Emergency Kit

Having an emergency kit at the ready for any possible disaster is always the best practice. Make sure to check your Flood Safety Checklist to ensure your emergency kit is stocked with everything you will need. Prepare a pet emergency kit for your companion animals as well. This should include food, water, and any other supplies they may need. If you have to evacuate, make sure to take your pet with you.

Do Not Forget Your Family Plan

Talk with your family about what to do if a flood watch or warning is issued. Discussing floods ahead of time can help ensure that everyone knows what to do if one occurs. Make sure to practice your evacuation plan together and lay out what each family member is responsible for. This will help establish a smooth, safe and efficient exit to a secure location.

Prepare Your Home and Property

One of the finals steps in preparing for a flood is to minimize your potential losses inside and around your home. You can do this by; Elevating and anchoring utilities on your property, waterproofing your basement, keeping your gutters clear of debris, and bringing your furniture to higher ground. Ensure that any outbuildings, pastures, or corrals are protected in the same way as your home. If they are not, they could be damaged or destroyed in a flood.

Floods can be a frightening event, but with proper preparation you can make your family and home ready. Follow the tips in this blog post to make sure you are ready for whatever water comes your way. Stay safe!


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