
Water Safety: Pool, Ocean, and Lake

Posted by Eric D'Anna on

Water Safety: Pool, Ocean, and Lake

Summertime is all about enjoying the outdoors and spending time with family and friends. For many, that means swimming in the pool, playing at the beach or taking a boat out on the lake. While these activities can be a lot of fun, it's important to remember to stay safe while enjoying them. Here are some water safety tips for each of these settings!

Pool Water Safety

At the pool, always make sure there is an adult or lifeguard present who is responsible for watching the children. This person should be aware of who is in the water at all times, know how to get someone out of the water safely and be able to perform CPR.

Make sure everyone knows how to swim and that there are life jackets available for those who don't. There are many types and styles of lifejackets that are available and U.S Coast Guard approved for different levels of swimmers, so make sure to choose the appropriate size.

Lastly, be aware of the depth of the water and never let anyone go near the deep end unless they are a strong swimmer. Even strong swimmers can get tired so be sure to know everyone's health and limits when getting into the pool. Emergencies can happen quickly so make sure you are prepared!

Beach Water Safety

The biggest difference between swimming at a pool vs. swimming at the beach is water movement, currents and rip tides. You should always swim in the designated safety areas and listen to the surrounding lifeguards for changes in the ocean's movement. The safety areas are marked for a reason and are done so for your protection.

When swimming in an ocean, be aware that there are living organisms in the water and on the surrounding beach. Some of these organisms can be dangerous to yourself and others. If you come across something and you are not sure what it is, do not touch or pick it up. Notify a lifeguard or beach security to come and assist. If you are injured, bitten or stung by anything in the ocean or on the beach, find a lifeguard or go to the designated lifeguard tower for help.

Finally, be sure to bring plenty of provisions and supplies for being on the beach. Sunscreen, snacks, towels, umbrellas, shoes and water to stay hydrated. It is very easy to lose track of time when enjoying the beach so set alarms to re-apply sunscreen and drink water.

Lake and River Water Safety

A lake day could be just the thing your family is looking for! There are many different ways to enjoy a lake or river; fishing, on a boat, floating on a tube, or just sitting on a sandbank to enjoy the view. When out on the lake, be sure to wear a life jacket at all times. Unlike the ocean, there are not designated lifeguards but there are dangerous undercurrents that could cause an unsafe situation for you and your family.

It is very important to be aware of your surroundings. If you are driving a boat on the lake or tubing down the river, keep an eye out for low hanging branches or shallow spots in the water. Lake and river water is usually darker and more murky, so watching your surroundings for animals, debris and jagged rocks is extremely important. Be sure to re-stock, pack and bring a first-aid kit with you in case anyone gets hurt.

By following these simple tips, you can make sure that everyone stays safe while enjoying the summertime fun!


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