
Protecting Your Family in a Storm

Posted by Eric D'Anna on

Protecting Your Family in a Storm

A storm can be a frightening event, especially for those who have never experienced one before. It is important to take the necessary precautions to protect your family during a storm. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the things you can do to keep your loved ones safe. Stay safe and be prepared!

Do You Have a Family Plan?

If a storm is expected in your area, talk with your family about what to do. Make sure everyone in the household is aware of your emergency plan and knows where all emergency kits are stored. Each family member could have a role in preparing for a storm, so having the plan written down in an easy to read location is very helpful.

Emergency Kit List

Many things can happen during a storm: you could lose power or heat, phone lines could go down, flooding could come in. These situations could last for a few days! It is always good to know what is important to have in your emergency kit. Please go to the Red Cross Emergency Kit for a full preparation list. Below is an example of a few helpful items:

  • Non-perishable food
  • Water
  • Flashlight
  • Map of the area with marked safety areas and/or shelters
  • Battery powered radio
  • First aid Kit
  • Blanket
  • Rain gear
  • Extra cash
  • Extra batteries
  • Extra cell phone with charger
  • Copies of personal documents
  • Family emergency contact information

Animals Are Family Too!

It is important to bring your companion animals indoors. They may be frightened by the storm and could run away if left outside. Make sure they are comfortable and safe. If you have larger animals that are mostly outdoors (i.e horses, sheep, goats, pigs, cows) you should have a shelter prepared with access to protected food and water. 

What If You Need to Evacuate?

In addition to taking precautions during a storm, it is also important to be aware of the potential for flooding. If there is any chance of flooding in your area, move all of your important belongings to higher ground. If you find that there is a possibility of evacuation in your area, make sure to know the routes and destinations you would take in case of an emergency. You should also find the local emergency shelter by visiting the website of your state's emergency management agency. Do not drive through flooded areas, as the water may be deeper than it appears and you could get stranded. Be sure to follow the instructions of local officials if they issue a flood warning for your area.

Storms can be frightening events, but with proper preparation, you can keep your family safe. Follow the tips in this blog post to make sure you are ready for whatever storm comes your way. Stay safe!


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